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Sacred Activism

A 4-part Course with Andrew Harvey

Andrew Harvey presents his vision in a four movement symphony of transmissions. In each of the transmissions Andrew offers a powerful mystical practice that will help integrate the radical information.

This course explores:

  • How our global dark night is potentially not the end of humanity but the terrible contractions of a destined process that could and must now birth a humble, united, sacred activist embodied divine humanity
  • How this birth has been prefigured in the great mystics Rumi and Kabir and how its astounding possibility has been known by the explorers of evolution such as Aurobindo.
  • How this birthing process is one that helps you die into life so that the divine source of life can restore you, ennoble you and engolden you in its miraculous golden waters
  • How the two most important scientific revolutions of our time help birth the divine human and expand both the energy for and the goals of sacred activism
  • The activation of the inner and outer Fields